
Here you have the second part of the Iraq video. As in the other one, there is some  unconnected content plus I’ve broken one of my style rules, that is not to cut the same take. I forget myself because of the heat I wasn’t able to do more, and being Iraq, sounds so peculiar that the mistakes are forgotten.

Matt, thanks for being my camera man!!! I remind you his web, he’s got some more videos about Iraq: leavemehere.wordpress.com

In the next post i’ll tell you a bit more about what was that q&a session with all those women.

I love the label “Made in Iraq” there’s probably not many products with that label, there are fruit and vegetables, but nothing like that “family sauce” that had a non very definable taste.

Before finishing the post I’d like to tell you a bit more of what this thing of the Kurdish Iraq is.The Kurdish Iraq is the northern region of Iraq. Since 1970 it has a great deal of independence as the “Autonomous State of Kurdistan” was created.

Since then it has self managed having as a capital the city of Erbil. Saddam Hussein made all possible moves under his hand to wipe out the Kurds until 1991 when the governments of US and England took action, declared the area as a non fly zone(to avoid attacks) and gave more independence to the Kurdish Iraq having a totally independent government from Baghdad. It really works as a different state with it’s own flag and national anthem.

Politically it’s been able to keep peace having two different political parties.

If you want to know more or see a map, just get into this link from Wikipedia.

Hope you’ve find it interesting.

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  1. […] lives. We talk about religion, travelling and what we like from here. You can see the video “Made in Iraq II”. They had heard about our no-religion and they were curious to see us and […]

  2. hello my name is Kani I have to ask a few.
    I wanted to know how you got to go to Iraq and who has accompanied you, I would take part in your interest to travel.
    I com from Iraq so I wanted to ask if you had to go back lust out there.
    I would go with you.