

I take pictures with an Olympus PEN EP-2.

My approach to photography is simple, just get what you see, no photoshop, I just crop the pictures when needed and correct the exposure if needed but never touch a picture to look better than what I’ve seen while out there.

4 comments so far

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  1. Supongo que ya empiezas pronto. PUes nada desearte buen viaje y que vayas contando

  2. Hola cariño mio! Como te va? espero que estes disfrutando de tu viaje y que no comas cosas raras, cuidate! Espero que pongas mas cosas de tu viaje, ya sabes mas fotos de esas tierras!
    un beso muy grande de tu tia Pili que te quiere mucho

  3. me alegro que estes en china pero me alegro mas de verte pronto muchos besos tia pili

  4. Beautiful man! you have amazing gift and imagination! I just remember my trip to harat in Afghanistan.
    Harat also have great mosque like this place.
    Thank you man. to be good. thanks again.